One More Time

Back in the old days, that is 2019, I embarked on a year-long photography project. I called it appropriately a challenge and some days it really was. But I’m glad I did it, it made me a better photographer but also helped stabilize me as I struggled in a dysfunctional work environment. It gave me an enjoyable goal that was under my control, with no incompetent or shortsighted management/organization to get in the way.
It is a common enough thing for many photographers to take a photo every day for a year. Many times following a weekly or monthly exercise or theme. I created weekly themes that involved history, technical skills, or a theme. To make it even more challenging I limited myself to only taking photos for the challenge in the Petersburg, Virginia city limits. I learned a lot about the city but also the natural environment. Learning where the sun rises and sets over various points throughout the year is a handy bit of knowledge.
Each daily photo was posted on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. No surprise that Instagram was where most of the interaction and feedback came from. The challenge became a favorite of my followers. But with the end of 2019, I needed a break from the challenge having run out of weekly themes or exercises. I had also decided to leave my job and become self-employed in March. This would take much of my time and would definitely interfere with a daily photography challenge.
No need to go into what a disaster 2020 turned into, including the worst time to become an entrepreneur! Like everyone, I got derailed from many of my goals. As the year came to a close I took stock of where I was as a photographer and business person and decided to regain my focus. With my experiences from the 2019 challenge, I knew that a new 365 challenge would help. This time I decided to make it a project and not a challenge to take the pressure off. I want to focus more on the composition, story, feeling, or thoughts conveyed by the photos I take. The technical skills or photography fundamentals would certainly come to bear but not be the focus. This will definitely be a more personal journey over these 365 days.
Along with posting on Instagram and Twitter, I will also post here regularly to display but also write down my thoughts about the photo or photos. Please join me this year on my personal project and I encourage you to start your own photography project. Like me, you will be glad you did despite the challenges!